Grove City College
Spring Semester 2025
CHEM 141: Beginning Biochemistry

InstructorKevin Shaw
PhoneOffice: 724-450-4043
Home: 724-974-9381
Campus Mail#3097
OfficeSTEM 340C
Office HoursCurrent Schedule
Meeting Hours
Section AFriday 14:30 STEM 155
Course Objectives(•), Assessments(◦) and (Biochemistry Program Outcomes)
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
•  Identify and discuss the fundamental areas of biochemical investigation
◦Journal club pre– and post–writing assignments, lecture assignments and final project (1, 2, & 7)
•  Read, understand and extend selected papers from the biochemistry literature
◦Journal club pre– and post–writing assignments (1, 2, 5, & 6)
•  Perform, analyze and interpret fundamental biochemical experiments
◦Laboratory reports (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7)
Required Materials    The course website provides an index for the course as well as links to papers, laboratory protocols and assignment details.
Course Grade
Journal Club Pre–writing15%
Journal Club Post–writing15%
Lab Reports40%
Visualization Assignment5%
Bioinformatics Assignment5%
Final Project20%
Grading Scale
The grading scale is ten percent to the letter grade with appropriate ± distinctions. Thus, the lowest "A–" is ninety percent, the lowest "B–" is eighty percent, the lowest "C–" is seventy percent, and the lowest passing grade for the course is sixty percent.
Course Policies
Journal Clubs
The paper(s) for each journal club day are linked from the course website. You should read that paper in preparation for our discussion. To aid in that, you are responsible for writing a short (250 words maximum) summary of that paper at least twenty–four prior to the start of the class period in which we discuss the paper. A detailed analysis of the paper is not possible in this format. Focus on the major question, the experimental system and the conclusion, ignore details such as buffers, concentrations and time. Following the discussion, you should write the same length summary of the paper again with all knowledge gained through the discussion.
Lecture Assignments
There are some topics which lend themselves well to outside of class assignments (no purified chemicals involved). These topic will include an assignment to reinforce the learning from class. Questions and due dates will accompany each activity on the course website.
Laboratory Reports
Each laboratory activity will be followed by a laboratory report. Not all laboratory report are full, formal report lab reports. Please see each laboratory page for full details and due dates.
Laboratory Safety
While working on laboratory activities, all students must be properly attired (long pants and closed-toe shoes) and wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (safety goggles). Students failing to meet these requirements will be asked to leave the laboratory until they are able to conform to these requirements.
Academic Integrity
All work submitted in this course must be the student's own scholarly work prepared originally for this course. See pages 50–53 of the 2024–2025 for the Grove City College Bulletin for Grove City College policies and procedures related to academic integrity.
As much of this course is participatory, either presenting or discussing, attendance is required. One unexcused absence is permitted during the semester. Any unexcused absence beyond the first will bring a reduction in your course grade by one letter grade. See pages 45–47 of the 2024–2025 Grove City College Bulletin for attendance expectations.
Accessibility and Accommodation
Any required learning accommodations will be provided in this course. See pages 31–32 of the 2024–2025 Grove City College Bulletin for information on requesting services from the Disability Services Coordinator.
Course Schedule
17 January Science in the Western Tradition Lecture icon.
24 January Biochemical History Lecture icon.
31 January Dilution Labortory icon.Lecture icon.
7 February Alanine Scanning Mutagenesis Paper discussion icon.
14 February Ion Exchange Labortory icon.Lecture icon.
21 February DNA Forensics Labortory icon.Lecture icon.
28 February Molecular Visualization Lecture icon.
7 March No class—Spring Recess
14 March Genetic Material Paper discussion icon.Labortory icon.
21 March Intermediary Metabolism Lecture icon.Labortory icon.
28 March Bioinformatics Lecture icon.
4 April Protein Solubility Labortory icon.Lecture icon.
11 April Lipid Extraction Labortory icon.Lecture icon.
18 April No class—Easter Recess
25 April Protein Structure Lecture icon.Paper discussion icon.
Course schedule may change at any time.
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