MolScript Visual Tutorial

- A Simple Guide to making a MolScript plot at pauling.
- A discussion of logical statements in MolScript
syntax. Two elements of logic and syntax are covered.
- Atom selection for the drawing of atoms.
- Atom selection for the drawing of bonds.
- The objects that MolScript draws are the graphics
state. This includes:
- Elements of secondary structure.
- The drawing of atoms.
- The view of the objects in the MolScript plot can be manipulated in several ways to enhance your plot.
- MolScript uses four methods for specifying the colour of graphics state objects.
- Here are virtual references to the programs and manuals on which this tutorial is based.

MolScript visual tutorial: updated 5.18.98
Written and maintained by Kevin Shaw
Mail klshaw at gcc edu
Written and maintained by Kevin Shaw
Mail klshaw at gcc edu